Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Sculpting commission works available.

Commission works for sculpts are open!

Do you have a favorite or original character you would like to see sculpted into a statue or action figure form?

For an estimated quote send us an image and information about how you want your sculpture, i.e. size (inches/cm high), base (or diorama), accessories, etc.

We can elaborate concept sketches based on your ideas and we'll send you through e-mail for approval before sculpture is started.

Client will be able to follow the whole process through W.I.P. (work in progress) images, sent via e-mail.

Pressure casts is available, so your final sculpt will be free of air bubbles. Multiple casts available upon request.

Green Zombie Studios is now accepting PayPal payments!
Acceptance Mark

You can contact us at:

Thanks for looking!

André Kevermann

P.S. don't forget to check out Green Zombie Studios gallery at:

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Follow me on DeviantArt page!

Hi there, André here....
Just stopping by to say that I've been posting my most current works on my DeviantArt page, so if you would like to see my latest sculpts and commission works, please bookmark the link below:
Thanks for looking! I'm waiting for you there!


Thursday, May 17, 2007

New site soon

New Green Zombie Studios production blog is under construction. Please stay tunned.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Adding some colors to clay

Hi there,

Andre here, I just wanted to show you something really cool. See the images above? Let me tell ya, a good friend of mine Javier or Javy A.K.A. "MiamiLoco" was so damn cool and did something really awesome for me as a favor... He added some digital colors with the help of the almighty Photoshop® to my Justice Lords´ Hawkgirl sculpt.
It is really cool to see what the final painted sculpt will look like, even before been molded and cast in resin.
So on the left side is the original Castilene green color and on the right the digitally painted Hawkgirl, really cool huh?

I would like to send a BIG THANKS to my good fella Javy!! You´re da man!! ^_^

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Not the Govenah!

Just wanted to share with you a new head I´ve sculpted in an attempt to capture a famous movie character/actor likeness to make a full body sculpt. I aint gonna tell who is supposed to be, you will have to guess, only this way I will know if I´m on right path with this new project... the head is not finished yet, I need to tweak it here and there, well I hope you like it so far. :)

Thanks for looking.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Itsy bitsy spider...

Damn, it has been quite a while since I´ve posted anything. eh. Well, nothing really much to show as of now, as I´m still working on the "Bandeirantes" commission work, and yet looking for a new job, not to mention so many things happened within the last month. I dunno just feel too exhausted physically and mentally, but I´m working hard, as always pushing my own limits.

Anyways, I just wanted to tease you with a little image of something I´ve been working on...Still not ready to give you full images of this piece, so I give you a little teaser which I like to call it...'itsy bitsy spider'...
Now you try to figure it out what this could be. C´mon how hard can it be?

Thanks for looking.

Friday, February 10, 2006

54mm 'Bandeirante' miniature

This is my first historical sculpt, it´s a private commission work I´ve started on Friday night for a collector, it´s a 54mm Bandeirante expeditioner. I´ve taken about 8 hours to sculpt this miniature, and it will be the first of a set of 12 figures, being 6 Bandeirantes and 6 Indians. The weapons like rifle, pistol, and knife will be added later as they´re arriving from U.S.

To know more about the Bandeirantes and their history, click on the link below...

P.S. Although this is sculpt was hella fun to do and a HUGE challenge to sculpt is such small scale, (even smaller than my Rocketeer), I gotta admit that I´m afraid that I´m going to get blind by the end of this work. lol

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